name='verify-v1'/> Big God - little d: Plowing a Straight Line

Friday, April 2, 2010

Plowing a Straight Line

"Jesus replied, 'No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.'" Luke 9:62

Plowing a straight line. It takes more than strength and know-how. It requires concentration. A farmer's eyes must not only focus on where the blade meets the earth but, also be mindful of what lies ahead. To look back, as you are moving forward, is to lose your line...waste your efforts...use up precious time...perhaps, even, necessitate starting over.

Jesus warns us that if we are going to serve the kingdom of God then we must keep our eyes on the field. We are not fit for our work assignment if we are looking backwards. We must keep our eyes on him. He will show us where the plow is to go. He will make sure the hard dirt of the field is turned over in straight lines, ready for seed.

Jesus' eyes were always on Jerusalem (Luke 9:51). His life was a straight plow line leading up to the cross and the resurrection. He did not take his eyes off of the Father. He did not look back.

The question to be pondered this morning: Where have I been focusing, lately?

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