name='verify-v1'/> Big God - little d: Assumptions

Thursday, November 6, 2008


"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.
"As the heavens are higher than the earth,

so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."
-- Isaiah 55:8-9

Assumptions. They can be our undoing.

Yesterday, I was in the middle of my quiet time when a random thought popped into my head. This, in and of itself, was not unusual. My quiet time tends to be filled with random thoughts..."I should probably start a load of laundry," or "I need to reschedule that dentist appointment when I'm finished," or "What the...How did those dirty fingerprints get on the ceiling?"

Most of the time, I ignore them but sometimes they sidetrack me. Honestly, there are times when I want to be sidetracked. Staying busy is a lot easier than sitting still at the Lord's feet.

But this particular thought was not the norm. I got up from the table, grabbed my cell phone and texted a friend the following message:

"In the middle of my quiet time. Question for you: Do you have words for me?"

I don't know how to explain why I followed this thought through to completion. Most likely because it didn't originate from my own brain. Plus, I was intrigued by the thought that my friend might actually have a message for me from God. I ended up copying the texted message into my journal followed by the following, "Lord?!?" with an arrow pointing to the words.

I didn't hear back from my friend.

Fast forward to late afternoon. I was in the church parking lot, sitting in my parked vehicle, finishing my fast food meal. The double doors to the building opened and there was my friend (the same one I texted earlier). He headed straight for my van with a big grin on his face.

Just by the look on his face, I could tell there was a message from God. Something for me. I couldn't wait to hear it. Oh, the anticipation.

And then he started to talk...

"I can't believe you sent me that text! I do have something for you. I have some words I would like you to look over and get your feedback on."


Disappointment. Embarrassment. Irony. Amusement. Understanding. Acceptance.
That pretty much sums it up.

I think God enjoyed watching my face as I processed through that one. I went back to my journal where I had earlier written down the texted words and added, "Ha Ha."

Truly Your ways are beyond my understanding. According to You, my obedience should not depend on my understanding. Thank You for reminding me of that in such an amusing way. I do love You and Your ways...even though they are beyond me! In Jesus' name, Amen.

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