name='verify-v1'/> Big God - little d: I See You!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I See You!

"Ears to hear and eyes to see - both are gifts from the LORD." --Proverbs 20:12

I know someone who stops to pick up paper clips off the floor. Until I spent time in her presence, I didn't even notice the paper clips. But you tend to notice these things when the person next to you stops in mid-sentence. And, you find yourself paying special attention when that person picks up each piece of metal as if it were gold.

When I asked why she picked them up, she told me that she believed God was waiting for her to find them. He wanted her to know that He was thinking about her. They were her own love notes from God.

She saw God - I saw a twisted piece of wire. Same scenario - different perspectives.

Some time ago, I began to earnestly ask God for eyes to see and ears to hear. I wanted to know God better. I longed for a deeper awareness of His presence in my daily life.

Sometime after that prayer, I began to notice something strange on my nighttime drives. Street lights tended to go out right as I drove under them or right after I passed them.

Out of the corner of my eye, in the rear view mirror, or right in front of me, I would see random lights shut down. I don't know if they were burning out or just overheating. But it happened with such regularity that it became ridiculous.

At first, I talked to myself, "Oh my gosh, there goes another one!" Eventually, I turned to God.

"Did you just see that? Hey, there goes another one! Can you believe these lights keep going out when I am driving? It's almost as if someone is playing a joke on me!"

(dramatic pause)

God laughs, you know. Deep rolling laughs. From His belly. With abandon.

I couldn't actually hear Him but my spirit did. And it is impossible to be in His presence while He is laughing...without joining in. We laughed together for a long time that day. It was my first experience with God's playful side and I will treasure it always.

Now you could argue that street lights are constantly burning out and I just became aware of it for the first time. True. Same scenario - different perspective.

However, that would not explain why I continue to feel this deep pleasure, each and every time I catch a bright light suddenly going out. It would not explain why my spirit is keenly aware of God's presence, in those moments. And it would not explain why I greet each instance with a smile and feel compelled to whisper a delighted, “I see you, too.”

Who would have thought there could be so much joy in playing a game of “Peek-A-Boo” with the Lord?

Abba, Thank You for delighting in your children. Thank You for delighting in me. Give me eyes to see and ears to hear You, this day. In the name above all names, Jesus the Christ. Amen.

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